Sunday, March 9, 2008

Nico leaviing for San' sisco

Bon Voyage

Seems like a hard task but sometimes we have yet again to say good bye and realize that we have a friend in our midst who has to leave and go forth in his adventures in and find his bearings in life.

Nico whom I met 6 months ago or so, made a huge impact in my life and I could relate to him easily as I would have to my best friend, brother, close male friend, whatever you want to call that. He made a huge difference to my life and although he is only 24, seems like an age when you are eager and anxious, he enriched it like a wise man who has lived through time and has seen and experienced so many things in life and has different stories to say to his grandsons ... and thats how I felt with Nico. and now he too, like all my friends has left to go back to America and I do not know when he will be back , but I have a feeling he will....
As much he has enriched my life and others lives here in town, I am sure he has learnt a lot from us as much. I remember the time he tells me about his Aunts and Uncles and his grandfather who was a wonderful person and how much he feels and emotional he gets when is telling me about them and how he sheds a tear for his grandpappy, so much so that I realize that his story is my story and his emotions are mine cause I can relate to him as he does to us.

Never afraid to speak and know and and learn and understand, how we all are, thats Nico and he is ready to take on med school as soon as he arrives back home, and never ceases to learn and his craving for knowledge is a so much that it puts me to shame, but never the less, I am proud to call you my friend and I am happy that these last 6 months, you made our lives so rich and made me understand whats valuable and what values we need to have to understand each other and what is a good human being. Moreover you considered mine as your own and as much I am happy to you call you my younger brother, I feel I have learnt a lot from you as I would have from an elder brother.

Thank you for giving as you always give, that is love and understanding values in life.
Thank you Nico.....

To Nico, Salud.......

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