What happens when someone asks you, what’s a gay man’s sell by date?
I was talking to a one good friend of mine and he told me that gay man’s sell by date is the age of 30 and to be honest I felt that way too when I turned 30.
When I look at someone who is my age and is trying to hook young 20 something men and trying to look young and acting NOT his age I feel pity and think that it could have been me. I do look at young men and feel lively but have never [oops] made a pass [well once I did and I did regret] …. anyway, it seems that where are all the gay men when you want them for friendship? They all tend to look the other way when you tell them you want to be friends with them and they end thinking wow, this guy wants me to hope into bed with him right away right now….. wow what a life!!!! Does age really matter if I was to remain as I was 30 or not? Why cannot we stop time or age in that case and be what we want to be…? Ahhh the wonders of the science in near future… give me a staying young steroid shot….
On other line…..I think I should stop looking at men as if I want to bed them, but the funny thing is I look at women at the same way although I do not want to bed them, I end up looking stupid in my mind… I look at boobies and stare at women’s butt/ass, chest, face, legs as if I am interested in them. One gal in particular, a physiotherapist told me that I always ogle at her, well she is chubby and short and I look at her as I want to bed her.. but that's not the case, I love to watch women in different shapes and sizes and know how they carry themselves around…anyway that’s a discussion for another day. Ahh but to be honest, if I had a nude woman and a nude man standing in front of me, I would definitely choose a man, women are to be looked at with clothes on, well for me some piece of clothing is a must….and so that proves that I am a gay man after all… no doubt……!!!!
This is what I came across when I was reading an old book and used this as my page marker… LOL
Yes that's me some decades ago….
This is how I look now… mmm what a change…